

目前显示的是 七月, 2019的博文

What are the main components of 45 degree flammability test chamber?

The 45 degree flammability test instrument has been used to determine the flammability of paints and applied coatings under manufacturer specified procedures. Samples are placed into the chamber at a 45 degree incline. A flame is introduced to the sample for a predetermined time and characteristics such as time to ignition, flame spread (propagation rate) and characterization of the residue are determined. Main components of qinsun 45 degree flammability  tester : Flowmeter :Adjust the gas flow size; Fire tube : The gas is first connected to the flow meter through the hose, and then through the rear hose of the box into the flame pipe; Windscreen: the upper part of the windshield is provided with glass; The experiment was carried out in a ventilated kitchen. The round hole on the top of the box and the gap on the windshield make the gas convection. Control panel :Power- power switch ; Start:Start internal motor operation. When the flame tube moves to the test...

Study On Martindale Pilling Test

Abrasion resistance is the ability of a fabric to withstand surface wear from rubbing. The ASTM D4966-98 is a test method of the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM). This is an Martindale Abrasion Tester Method. Fabric samples are mounted flat and rubbed in a figure eight like motion using a piece of worsted wool cloth as the abradant. The number of cycles that the fabric can endure before fabric shows objectionable change in appearance (yarn breaks, pilling, holes) is counted. Number of cycles determines abrasion rating. Laboratory tests may be reliable as an indication of relative end-use performance in cases where the difference in abrasion resistance of various materials is large, but they should not be relied upon where differences in laboratory test findings are small. In general, they should not be relied upon for prediction of actual wear-life in specific-end uses unless there are data showing the specific relationship between laboratory abrasion tests and ac...

Test Principle And method of Sweating Guarded Hotplate

Human body thermal radiation are sensible heat (hot) and the latent heat of evaporation (heat) in two ways, therefore, influence of clothing thermal comfort index is mainly clothing diathermy (thermal resistance) and clothing performance of moisture permeability (wet resistance). Due to the temperature gradient in layers of clothing heat resistance, known as thermal resistance, its physical meaning is both sides of the temperature difference and vertical through the clothing of the ratio of the heat flow per unit area, reflects the clothing insulation ability. Test Principle of Thermal and moisture resistance tester :In a standard test environment, heat fixed aluminum or copper plates to keep the aluminum or copper plates at a fixed temperature to test the heating power.Similarly, a copper plate or an aluminum sheet covers the power of the same condition after testing the material, depending on the power difference between the two and the size of the test disk area.The thermal res...

Ozone Aging Test Chamber To Rubber

Ozone is a powerful oxidant (far more so than dioxygen) and has many industrial and consumer applications related to oxidation. This same high oxidising potential, however, causes ozone to damage mucous and respiratory tissues in animals, and also tissues in plants, above concentrations of about 100 ppb. This makes ozone a potent respiratory hazard and pollutant near ground level. However, the ozone layer (a portion of the stratosphere with a higher concentration of ozone, from two to eight ppm) is beneficial, preventing damaging ultraviolet light from reaching the Earth's surface, to the benefit of both plants and animals. Ozone, which is already used to sanitize drinking water and swimming pools, might help make hives cleaner and safer for America's beleaguered honey bees. Entomologist tested ozone's effects on two pesticides widely used by beekeepers to control varroa mites, a major enemy of bees. Studies elsewhere indicate that residues of these chemicals can accu...

Structure of 45 Degree Flammability Test chamber

45 degree flammability chamber is designed to evaluate the flammability characteristics of fabrics. This instrument is applicable to evaluation of textiles such as clothing, furniture and drapery to name a few. The 45 degree flammability test instrument has also been used to determine the flammability of paints and applied coatings under manufacturer specified procedures. Samples are placed into the chamber at a 45 degree incline. A flame is introduced to the sample for a predetermined time and characteristics such as time to ignition, flame spread (propagation rate) and characterization of the residue are determined. Structure of qinsun 45 degree flammability  tester : Flowmeter :Adjust the gas flow size; Fire tube : The gas is first connected to the flow meter through the hose, and then through the rear hose of the box into the flame pipe; Windscreen: the upper part of the windshield is provided with glass; The experiment was carried out in a ventilated kitche...

Thermal And Moisture Resistance to measure fabric comfort

When people wearing clothes in cold or hot climates, the temperature of clothing, especially close-fitting, varies with the temperature of the skin. People should choose suitable clothes to ensure comfort, or at least in adverse weather conditions to protect the human body. The heat transfer property of fabric can ensure the comfort of clothing, for example, the clothing with high thermal resistance has a better function of preventing cold, while the clothes with low thermal resistance can give a cool feeling. Therefore, testing the thermal resistance of fabrics has an important reference for improving people’s clothing comfort. Thermal resistance and moisture resistance are important to measure the comfort of  fabric. Thermal resistance can be used to characterize the heat transfer performance of materials, and the thermal resistance of large fabrics has a good anti-cold effect.In the summer, we tend to choose clothing that is less wet, which can remove the moisture from the bo...

The air permeability of fabric

Fabric air permeability is a measure to what extent it gives air passing through the fabric. Air permeability, a given area in the vertical direction of the air flow rate, a given time period, as measured by the fabric test area inside the pressure difference of the fabric. Basically, it depends on weight, thickness and porosity of fabric. The porosity of fabric is the demonstration of the air gap as a percentage within the fabric. It has been important for especially the tent fabric and parachute. The air permeability of a fabric is the volume of air measured in cubic centimeters passed per second through 1 cm2 of the fabric at a pressure of 1 cm of water.The air resistance of a fabric is the time in seconds for 1 cm3 of air to pass through 1cm2 of the fabric under a pressure head of 1 cm of water. Air resistance is the reciprocal of air permeability. The reciprocal of air permeability, air resistance, can be defined as the time in seconds for ImI of air to pass through 100s mm...

The Tensile Strength Test of cotton yarns

The tensile strength values of the dry and wet cotton yarns varies very much from each other. The strength of wet cotton yarns is greater than that of dry cotton yarns. This is due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between the water molecules and the hydroxyl groups in the cellulosic rings of the cotton fibers in the wet state. Objectives: To calculate the tensile strength of cotton yarns in both dry and wet state.  To calculate Count Lea Strength Product of dry cotton yarns.   To compare the tensile strength of dry and wet cotton yarns. Materials:  Dry cotton yarn.  Water  Beaker  Wrapping Reel   Tensile  Strength Testing Machine  Weighing Balance Procedure: Dry cotton yarn was taken. 8 leas of 120 yards of that yarn were made using the wrapping reel. 4 of them were soaked in the water placed in the beaker. Weight of each of the dry samples were taken on the weighing balance. These were now placed on the te...