The ASTM D4966-98 is a test method of the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM). This is an Martindale Abrasion Tester Test Method. Fabric samples are mounted flat and rubbed in a figure eight like motion using a piece of worsted wool cloth as the abradant.
The Martindale method, also known as the Martindale rub test, simulates natural wear of a seat cover, where the textile sample is rubbed against a standard abrasive surface with a specified force. The test equipment works in intervals of 5000 cycles, totalling the wear number (unit: Martindale) of abrasion cycles that leads to the material being worn to a specified degree. The higher the value, the more resistant the material is to abrasion.
The number of cycles that the fabric can endure before fabric shows objectionable change in appearance is counted. Number of cycles determines abrasion rating.Laboratory tests may be reliable as an indication of relative end-use performance in cases where the difference in abrasion resistance of various materials is large, but they should not be relied upon where differences in laboratory test findings are small. In general, they should not be relied upon for prediction of actual wear-life in specific-end uses unless there are data showing the specific relationship between laboratory abrasion tests and actual wear in the intended end-use.
This test method covers the determination of the abrasion resistance of textile fabrics using the Martindale abrasion tester. Fabrics of all types may be tested by this method but difficulties may arise with fabrics with a pile depth greater than 0.08 in.Martindale Abrasion And Pilling Tester determines the abrasion and pilling resistance of all kinds of textile structures. Samples are rubbed against known abrasives at low pressures and in continuously changing directions. The amount of abrasion or pilling is compared against standard parameters.
The Martindale method, also known as the Martindale rub test, simulates natural wear of a seat cover, where the textile sample is rubbed against a standard abrasive surface with a specified force. The test equipment works in intervals of 5000 cycles, totalling the wear number (unit: Martindale) of abrasion cycles that leads to the material being worn to a specified degree. The higher the value, the more resistant the material is to abrasion.
The number of cycles that the fabric can endure before fabric shows objectionable change in appearance is counted. Number of cycles determines abrasion rating.Laboratory tests may be reliable as an indication of relative end-use performance in cases where the difference in abrasion resistance of various materials is large, but they should not be relied upon where differences in laboratory test findings are small. In general, they should not be relied upon for prediction of actual wear-life in specific-end uses unless there are data showing the specific relationship between laboratory abrasion tests and actual wear in the intended end-use.
This test method covers the determination of the abrasion resistance of textile fabrics using the Martindale abrasion tester. Fabrics of all types may be tested by this method but difficulties may arise with fabrics with a pile depth greater than 0.08 in.Martindale Abrasion And Pilling Tester determines the abrasion and pilling resistance of all kinds of textile structures. Samples are rubbed against known abrasives at low pressures and in continuously changing directions. The amount of abrasion or pilling is compared against standard parameters.
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