The cone calorimeter is considered the most significant bench scale instrument in fire testing. This apparatus has been adopted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 5660-1) for measuring heat release rate (HRR) of a sample.
It has been shown that most fuels generate approximately 13.1 MJ of energy per kg of oxygen consumed. Therefore, HRR is based on the fact that the oxygen consumed during combustion is proportional to the heat released.

This cone calorimeter analyses the combustion gases and measures the produced smoke from a test specimen that is being exposed to a certain heat flux. At least the oxygen concentration must be analyzed to calculate the released heat, but to improve the accuracy, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide concentrations can also be analyzed.

The cone calorimeter is a fire testing device based on the principle of oxygen consumption during combustion. This device is used by most leading fire research groups as a data source for properties of materials and as a source for input data to models when predicting fire behaviour. The cone calorimeter is considered the most significant bench scale instrument in fire testing .
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It has been shown that most fuels generate approximately 13.1 MJ of energy per kg of oxygen consumed. Therefore, HRR is based on the fact that the oxygen consumed during combustion is proportional to the heat released.

This cone calorimeter analyses the combustion gases and measures the produced smoke from a test specimen that is being exposed to a certain heat flux. At least the oxygen concentration must be analyzed to calculate the released heat, but to improve the accuracy, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide concentrations can also be analyzed.

The cone calorimeter is a fire testing device based on the principle of oxygen consumption during combustion. This device is used by most leading fire research groups as a data source for properties of materials and as a source for input data to models when predicting fire behaviour. The cone calorimeter is considered the most significant bench scale instrument in fire testing .
For more information about our testing instrument, please contact
· +86-21-6780 0179
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