
The Operation Of Elmendorf Tearing Test

The Elmendorf Tearing Tester is a basic tear tester that offers an economic alternative to the electronic version. This model offers the quick change pendulum configuration without an electronic readout. Test results are obtained by means of a pointer on a graduated scale from 0-100%.

Digital Elmendorf Tearing Tester takes the Elmendorf method and is used to determinate tearing resistance property of films, sheets, flexible PVC, PVDC, waterproof films, woven materials, polypropylene, polyester, paper, cardboard, textile and non-woven, etc.Test range is 200-32000CN, while the impact force is corresponding to the specific pendulum. They determine ballistic tearing strength by propagating a single-rip tongue-type tear starting from a cut in a sample. The design is much user-friendly with wide range to meet different test and standards.

The operation of the Tear test is easy —simply secure the sample in the two clamps, make an initial tear with the attached blade and release the pendulum. The tearing resistance of the material is measured via the transference of the potential energy stored in the raised pendulum to kinetic energy. A portion of this energy is absorbed during the tearing of the sample and is used as a measure of the materials resistance to a continuing tear. The energy required to tear the sample is reported as a percentage of the pendulum capacity or force.


  1. Thanks very much. Elmendorf tear tester enables rapid determination of the dynamic resistance of materials designed to be subject to strong shearing loads (e.g. fabrics) or liable to be damaged by sharp or heavy objects (e.g. paper bags). Subsequently, the test was naturally adopted for all materials in the form of sheet or films, cardboards, cloth, knitted fabrics, plastic films, aluminium foil, non-woven fabrics, complex flexible packaging etc. If you want to know Elmendorf tear tester price, please contact us: https://www.testextextile.com/product/elmendorf-tear-tester-tf140c/




How To Process The Elmendorf Tear Strength Test

The Elmendorf tear tester has been developed specially for the paper industry and is outstanding for simplicity of operation and high measurement accuracy. The exchangeable pendulum is equipped with a pneumatic sample clamp. The initiation and return of the pendulum, as well as sample cutting is completely automatic. The device is operated via an integrated touch screen, where the test method can be selected, specific settings can be adjusted, and, after the measurement, results and statistics can be  displayed.Each pendulum is supplied with the appropriate control weight so that, with the help of the service program, it can easily be checked for functionality and balance. The Elmendorf tear test Procedure:     Cotton fabric was taken.     Warp and weft direction of the fabric was identified.     Two strips were cut from the fabric in both directions having dimensions of 100 x 63.5 mm.     The sample was then fixed in the jaws of the ...

How Sublimation Fastness Tester Works?

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The Leather Friction Color Fastness Tester

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