
How to use and maintain the Taber wear test machine

Wear-resistant testing machine mainly through the rotation of the grinding method, the use of different types of friction wheel rotation on the sample to detect leather and plastic materials, wear resistance. Widely used in metal, paint, sheet surface, coating materials, textiles, leather, rubber and other fields of performance testing. This article is for this widely used instrument, focusing on the use of operation and maintenance of some of the notes
First, the principle
Principle of the test: the test sample placed on a rotating platform, through the top of the two rolling friction wheel under a certain load and the specimen friction friction movement to wear samples. A friction wheel facing outward, another friction wheel inward friction specimen, forming a circular wear trace. After the specified number of times of friction, the degree of wear of the specimen is evaluated by appearance.
Second, the operating instructions
Test preparation:
1. Fix the test specimen on the test turntable, select the desired test weight, and make sure that the test wheel does not come into contact with the sample fixture during the test.
2. Adjust the governor switch to a minimum.
3. After setting the number of tests according to the test requirements, the machine is in the test state.
Code of Practice:
1. Connect the appropriate power supply 220V or
2. Adjust the governor switch to a minimum, to avoid excessive speed, resulting in abnormal machine.
3. Turn on the power, first test machine, if no abnormal power is turned off.
4. Press the reset key to reset the counter to zero. According to the requirements to set the number of tests required, the counter can be set up to 99999999 times.
5. Press the RST key on the counter to clear the counter. Press the> key for five seconds to enter the test count. The eight digits of the counter are from the lower right to the upper left, respectively. If the setting is 280360 times, Press the button to set the value to 8, then press the button to set the value to the left of the third digit. Press the ∧ key to set the value to 2, then press the> key to adjust the beat value to the upper left. Press the ∧ key to set the value to 3, and then press the button to set the value to 6 to the lower right. Press the ∧ key to set the value to 6, and the other positions are set to the other digits. Can be set to zero, according to the test requirements set the number of tests required:
6. Press the start button, the machine will enter the test state;
7. Adjust the governor to adjust the speed to the desired test speed;
8. Turn on the vacuum cleaner power switch to start working;
9. After the test is set to the number of counter settings, the machine automatically shuts down in standby mode;
10. Turn off the power, remove the test, clean up the machine;
Third, maintenance matters;
1. The instrument must be placed on a smooth ground before use;
2. Do not allow the use of the process in the machine;
3. Select the appropriate power supply voltage, not too high, to avoid burning the device
4. When the instrument is abnormal, please contact the company for timely processing;
5. Machine work must have a good ventilation environment;
6. key mechanical components, due to the larger operating load, the mechanical part of the timely increase of lubricating oil;
7. After each test, clean up the machine, keep the machine clean;
For more information, please visithttp://www.qinsun-lab.com/Products/Property/Abrasion/



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